The Alchemy DMC Argentina Golf Specials offer to those golfers visiting Argentina the possibility of enjoying the best golf courses in Buenos Aires and throughout the all country.
With more than 240 golf courses around the country, and 3 of them are amongst the Top 100 courses of the world outside USA (Golf digest Ranking), Argentina is considered the best golf destination of the Latin American and Caribbean region The best time to play in Argentina varies by the region. In Buenos Aires, the best time is between September and April. In Patagonia the season is shorter, usually October to March. In most of the country, however, golf can be played all year. All this served as motivation for the top golf tourism organization, IAGTO, to declare Argentina as the “Best Golf Destination of the Latin American and Caribbean region”.
– Outstanding fields
– Golf Tournaments
– Golf Tours
– Golf Days
– Golf Clinics and classes
– Golf Incentives
– Corporate Golf Travel